
Ep. 15. Bringing Ideas to Fruition & Other Millennial Life Lessons

August 21, 2018

Are millennials too ambitious to get anything done? Is it bad to be the one coming up with the ideas? In this episode of the podcast, Sienna and Alex look at some of the different ways they have brought ideas to life, the hurdles they have encountered, and discuss the importance of teamwork in order to succeed.

Ep. 14. Summer Motivation and Bravery

July 16, 2018

The heatwave has affected more than the temperature outside, but it has also made it difficult to get anything done. Alex and Sienna discuss how the heat has impacted their goals and whether or not they have been able to push through.

Ep. 13. Hobby Turned Business

July 2, 2018

From humble beginnings to creating something much larger, Sienna and Alex talk about the thrill of turning a hobby into a viable business on the same day Sienna launches her Etsy store! Sienna shares what she has been up to for the last month and provides a little backstory on how she found her love for candle making while Alex dishes on the progress of his ongoing project.

Ep. 12. Hormones and Procrastination… BLEGH!

June 16, 2018

After a couple of busy weekends in a row, Alex and Sienna have hardly had enough brain power left to record the latest episode of the podcast! Discussing hormones and procrastination, Alex and Sienna recap the last few weeks, touching on their love of ballet and Alex’s new appreciation for horror films.

Ep. 11. Italy and Post-Holiday Blues

May 28, 2018

After a month-long break from the podcast, Sienna and Alex have returned to gush about their Italian holiday and the wonders a bit of sunshine and an all-you-can-eat buffet can do for stress. Despite the relaxing break, Sienna shares some of her anxieties as the pair discuss “post-holiday blues”.

Ep. 10. Enjoying the Sunshine!

April 23, 2018

Sun’s out, buns out! Or, well… Nevermind. In this special episode of Ambitions! Alex and Sienna take to the park to enjoy the warm weather and chat about money, releasing projects, and discussing their uplifted moods. Sit down, grab a glass of lemonade, and enjoy the breeze! Alex’s IMDB Age Chrome Extension: Follow Ambitions! Podcast on Twitter: Sienna: Alex:

Ep. 9. Reinvigorated Motivation and Spring Cleaning

April 9, 2018

SPRING HAS SPRUNG, Y’ALL! In what seems like a very short amount of time, Sienna and Alex have made a ton of progress and accomplished quite a bit.

Ep. 8. Believe in Yourself!

March 26, 2018

After a few ultra-productive weeks, Sienna and Alex return with some exciting life and goal updates! Alex shares how he is progressing with his creative projects, while Sienna reflects on some of the “a-ha!” moments she had in therapy and how she is using them to propel her forward.

Ep. 7. Interacting on Social Media??

March 12, 2018

Beginning with a brief discussion of the term “millennial”, Sienna and Alex play little game of catch up! Sienna has fallen back in love with ballet (finally), while Alex shares some of his progress on his latest website project.

Ep. 6. Feelin’ Good After A Tough Week

February 26, 2018

Sienna and Alex talk about how seeing the film Call Me By Your Name has made them desperate for a holiday in Italy, dealing with a rough mental health week, and ask the question: how do people decide what they want to do with their lives??

Ep. 5. Frustrating Ballet Classes

February 12, 2018

After a week away from podcasting, Sienna and Alex are back to discuss the good, the bad, and the frustrating. From substitute ballet teachers to twenty-four hours of socializing, the pair still manage to reflect on the positives (mainly Altered Carbon on Netflix).

Ep. 4. Wallowing, Accountability, and Managing Expectations

January 29, 2018

Our heroes return this week with a frank discussion on mental health, specifically concerning wallowing in bad moods and the snowball effect it can have on everything else. Sienna talks about holding herself accountable for failure, and touches on the importance of managing her own expectations when it comes to completing personal goals.

Alex, on the other hand, shares a bit about his success at work and catches us up on his coding project.

Ep. 3. Uh-oh! Social Exhaustion Alert!

January 22, 2018

Sienna experiences the consequences of too many social interactions over the course of one week, meanwhile Alex finally climbs over a hurdle in his Ruby on Rails project! Despite the differences in both of their weeks, the duo joins together to share the events that made their weeks memorable.

Ep. 2. Finding the Time & Interior Design

January 15, 2018

This week our heroes encounter a few new hurdles and triumphs on their quest toward reaching their goals. Sienna experiences a bit of exhaustion from going to the gym and ballet back-to-back, while Alex realizes what he needs to do in order to get better at coding.

Ep. 1. The Productivity is High With This One

January 8, 2018

Our heroes check in after their first week as newly indoctrinated goal-getters, but is productivity the name of the game? Perhaps there is a bit of work still yet to be done, or maybe Sienna and Alex are better at improving themselves than they thought.

Stay tuned to hear all about their successes and failures as they recount the challenges they have dealt with during the first week of the new year!

Ep. 0. Revisiting Resolutions (Pilot)

December 31, 2017

Recorded on the precipice of a brand new year, Sienna Mooney and Alex Papworth take a walk down memory lane and recount resolutions of years’ past in the pilot episode of their new podcast: Ambitions!